TPSAT’s Anti-Drug Campaign

Police Chief Inspector Mikhail Gennadi DD. Valeroso of PNP Torrijos discussing the different types of prohibited drugs

Police Chief Inspector Mikhail Gennadi DD. Valeroso of PNP Torrijos discussing the different types of prohibited drugs


          As early as July, the TorrijosPoblacion School of Arts and Trades has been exploring for possible activities that the school could create to contribute to the country’s drive for drug menace.

As its initial anti-drug activity, TPSAT held a Symposium on “Anti-Drugs Campaign” last July 20, 2016. This is TPSAT’s response to the strengthened campaign against prohibited drugs of the Duterte Administration.

Police Chief Inspector Mikhail Gennadi DD. Valeroso of the Philippine National Police-Torrijos was invited as the guest speaker. He explained about the different types and forms of prohibited drugs such as marijuana, depressants, stimulants, inhalants, hallucinogens, heroine, and tobacco.

Chief Valeroso also discussed the different signs that a person is under the influence of drugs e.g. “glassy red eye and loud talking”. He also emphasized everyone’s responsibility to be vigilant against drugs. He said that if we can observe it with somebody whom we know, we could report it to the proper authority in our place. Furthermore, he made a PowerPoint presentation on the different ill effects of drugs to the user’s body and mind. His presentation showed the horrible effect of prohibited drugs to the users especially the youth.

He also explained to the TPSAT students and staff the different ways that individuals should do to avoid addiction to prohibited drugs. One is being aware of these drugs, loving oneself and the family, and most of all prayer to God.

The students were able to clear out some of their queries and other issues concerning drug addiction in an open forum with the speaker.

After the symposium, the students were asked to prepare their reaction paper based on Chief Valeroso’s discussion which commonly contained the following:

“I learned that taking prohibited drugs brings our life to risk which can cause unusual thinking, disoriented actions and behavior.”

“If we are caught selling it, we are going to be arrested.”

With regard to their plan on how they can help minimize problem on drug addiction, they said that they are going to start it within themselves that they are not going to take drugs, influence other youths to avoid it, and if ever they know someone who is using it, immediately report it to person in authority.



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